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News - 06/12/2022

Ealing Council produces draft Local Plan

New plan may have financial implications for those with development sites within the Local Plan area.

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Ealing Council has published its draft Local Plan for consultation, which provides landowners with the chance to have a say on how the borough will be shaped over the next 15 years.

The provision of additional planning policies, and a review of existing strategic planning policies may have financial implications for those with development sites within the Local Plan area.

The draft version of the new Local Plan is also called “Regulation 18”. This refers to a section of The Town and Country (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

The regulations require the Council to consult on how planning policy can influence important issues such as development within the borough.

Consideration should also be given to the viability of future developments if/once these policies are adopted, as they will create quite significant further financial costs for applications to meet planning policy requirements.

Our Development Consultancy team has vast experience in providing development viability advice on site-specific and policy-level planning viability.

We provide advice that covers planning obligations placed on a variety of developments including residential (both market sale and build-to-rent) and commercial schemes that include affordable workspace, aiming to ensure that development is viable and deliverable.

If you have a site within the Ealing Local Plan area and would like us to consider the potential implications these new policies may have on your future development, please contact us to discuss further.

The consultation runs from 30 November 2022 to 25 January 2023.

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