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News - 29/01/2013

New Enterprise Park base proves handy

Acting on behalf of a local property investor, we have let a 24,631 sq property on Swansea Enterprise Park to Swansea Care and Repair Services.

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13C Valley Way occupies 1.6 acres and has been taken by the building and maintenance company on a new 10 year lease.

Swansea Care and Repair offer handyperson services to private clients, residential and commercial, as well as to people referred from public sector organisations including housing, health and social services.

Maggie Berry, Chief Executive at Swansea Care and Repair explains: “Since the company began in 2001, we’ve expanded rapidly and now with 25 staff have outgrown our existing Enterprise Park premises.

“This new base meets our current and future growth needs exactly as it incorporates good quality office accommodation and stock storage facilities with ample parking for our seven-strong fleet of vans.”

Jason Thorne of our industrial agency team adds: “Valley Way is one of the main access roads around the central lake of the Enterprise Park so this property benefits from a prominent and attractive location coupled with flexible accommodation."


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