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News - 14/02/2011

£60m new HQ for science firm Waters Corporation

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Acting for US-based scientific company, Waters Corporation, we have completed a land purchase agreement with Royal Bank of Scotland.

Planning application submitted for new HQ

The deal will lead to the building of a new 220,000 sq ft, £60m headquarters in Wilmslow for its Mass Spectometry operations. The firm has just begun a consultation exercise with local residents ahead of submitting a planning application for the building next month.

If approval is granted for the HQ by Cheshire East Council, it could be opened by 2013. It has been designed by Mott McDonald and will be built by Bullock Construction.

State of the art research and development

Waters Corporation currently employs over 500 people on four separate sites in south Manchester and Altrincham. They will all be united at the Wilmslow site, which will also contain state-of-the-art customer demonstration laboratories, research and development capabilities, and an expanded manufacturing capacity.

HQ designed to accelerated innovation

Brian Smith, vice president of MS Business Operations at Waters Corporation, said: “The new Waters MS HQ will be designed to accelerate the rate of innovation with increased access for the world’s scientific thought-leaders.

“Waters is honoured to be able to continue Manchester’s long legacy of mass spectrometry innovation. Starting with John Dalton’s Atomic Theory in the early 1800’s, Manchester continues to be a global centre for mass spectrometry technology.”


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