Business Sales
Unique Social Betting Technology Platform Available For Sale out of Business Insolvency
By order of the Directors
Location: UK
Offers Invited: By 12 noon on Wednesday 26th March 2025
A unique opportunity exists to acquire the technology platform of the world’s first social betting platform “Who Knows Wins”. This unique platform was first to market in tapping the nacent social betting market. After failing to secure follow on funding to continue to market the brand in the UK and abroad, the business unfortunately ceased trading in 2024. The Directors are offering for sale this unique technology asset to entities interested in this social gaming space.
A unique opportunity exists to acquire the technology platform of the world’s first social betting platform “Who Knows Wins”. This unique platform was first to market in tapping the nacent social betting market. After failing to secure follow on funding to continue to market the brand in the UK and abroad, the business unfortunately ceased trading in 2024. The Directors are offering for sale this unique technology asset to entities interested in this social gaming space.
Overview Of The Business Whilst Trading
- Established and reputable brand
- Turnover 2024 circa £632,000
- Turnover 2023 circa £509,000
- Circa 70,000 player base in the UK market
- £2.5m invested in platform development
- Leasehold premises
- 8 operating staff members
- Office furniture & equipment
- Intangible assets include trademark, website & domain
Any buyer should do their own research, and satisfy themselves that they know what gambling licenses need to be in place to legally buy and operate the App. If you are in any doubt, you should seek independent legal advice.
If you would like more information about this company and to register your interest please complete and sign the attached non-disclosure agreement and return it to and
If you would like more information about this company and to register your interest please complete and sign the attached non-disclosure agreement and return it to and
This briefing sheet contains information supplied by company personnel. LSH provides no warranties or indemnities in respect of such information. All interested parties must rely on their own investigations when reviewing this opportunity.
This briefing sheet contains information supplied by company personnel. LSH provides no warranties or indemnities in respect of such information. All interested parties must rely on their own investigations when reviewing this opportunity.
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