Business Sales

Business Sales UNDER OFFER

Project Eleos

David Taylor and Paul Ellison of KRE Corporate Recovery Limited anticipate being appointed as Joint Administrators over a mental health clinic. The proposed Administrators are seeking bids for the business and assets.

Location: Berkshire, UK

Offers Invited: Immediately



  • Mental health clinic based in Berkshire
  • Trading for nearly  50 years
  • In-patient care for up to 22 patients and extensive outpatient care facilities
  • Large premises occupied on  licence with grounds of c.10 acres including extensive parking
  • Land and premises owned by the current shareholders and founders who are keen to see the business continue under new ownership at the current location
  • 102 employees including, but not limited to, clinicians, nurses, chefs, cleaners
  • Turnover of £3.94m in the year to 30 September 2024

If you would like more information about this company and to register your interest please complete and sign the attached non-disclosure agreement and return it to and

This briefing sheet contains information supplied by company personnel. LSH provides no warranties or indemnities in respect of such information. All interested parties must rely on their own investigations when reviewing this opportunity.

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