Empress Conservation Area Regeneration Plan (CARP)


Lambert Smith Hampton is undertaking a Soft Market Testing (SMT) exercise in relation to potential development sites within the Empress Conservation Area Regeneration Plan (CARP) as shown in the Site Location & Description tab below.

Trafford Council see this location as a key regeneration area and so LSH are seeking to ascertain whether there is sufficient interest from the local and regional development industry and to establish what level of information would benefit the built sector from bidding in the future. This assessment is also seeking to establish what level of information would benefit the built sector from bidding in the future.

Key Contact


Paul Shuker

Head of Planning Consultancy (North West)PR+I


Soft Market testing (smt) exercise

Site Location & Description

The subject area is situated within the local authority of Trafford and expands between Chester Road and Bridgewater Way (A56). The site is strategically located along a key route into Manchester City Centre, which lies approximately 1.5 miles to the north-east.

The wider setting of the Conservation Area is predominantly urban, with various industrial, commercial, and residential estates which are connected via a network of A-roads and secondary B-roads. There are no tram stops within the CARP itself, however Cornbrook station is located to the north and Trafford Bar to the south-west of the site which provide access to the tram network within walking distance, providing the CARP with excellent access to the Metrolink network across the Greater Manchester conurbation. An aerial view of the wider CARP Site can be seen in the image below.

Empress Conservation Area Regeneration Aerial

The below imagery also provides further context to the site:



Trafford Press Chester Road

Veno Building

Empress Mill

The Vision - Indicative Masterplan

An illustrative masterplan has been prepared which outlines the wider vision for the Empress Site and identifies areas for immediate development opportunities, retrofit and enhancement and potential future development opportunities. The illustrative masterplan is shown in the plan below.

Illustrative Masterplan

The illustrative masterplan features ‘Six Key Moves’ as summarised below:

  1. Enabling Connectivity;
  2. Active and Creative Spine;
  3. String of Active Public Yards (Pocket Parks);
  4. Unlock Development Opportunities;
  5. Rejuvenate, activate and celebrate historic assets; and
  6. Define a new urban ecosystem
Key Sites

The masterplan incorporates three sites across the wider CARP with feasibility options prepared for each Site by Donald Insall. The central Empress Site (Site 2) forms the basis of this SMT exercise. The individual sites are summarised as follows:

Site 1:

The feasibility option prepared by Donald Insall looked at the Site that fronts Chester Road as an option for immediate redevelopment and has informed the indicative masterplan prepared by LDA. It is anticipated that new build residential townhouses or mansion block of flats could be proved in this location with Donald Insall’s options appraisal identifying potential for 9 – 19 residential units on this site.

Empress Site 1
Site 1 Option 1: Source: Donald Insall Feasibility Option

Site 2:

The Site which forms the basis of the development appraisal seeks to introduce new build residential uses within the masterplan via townhouses and mansion flat blocks along with new build apartments with active commercial uses located on the ground floor of the apartment blocks to provide key active frontages within the masterplan area along with potential amenity space.

Empress Site 2
Site 2: Source: Donald Insall Feasibility Option

The masterplan also looks to refurbish existing buildings within the central site as well as seek to retain key facades (Trafford Press building) to preserve the architectural character and historic fabric of important buildings along Chester Road.

Within the central site, it is anticipated through the illustrative masterplan that there will be a total of approximately 93 no. new build residential units which will consist of a scale between 2.5 – 6 storey buildings. Moreover, there will be approximately 126 residential units provided in existing buildings that are to be refurbished for residential uses. In total it is anticipated that 219 residential units can be accommodated on the central site within the wider masterplan.

The below figure also provides an initial feasibility study of site 2 along with an indicative accommodation schedule prepared by Donald Insall Architects.

Map of Empress CARP sites

Site 3:

Site 3 includes the south-western section of the masterplan area and identifies the area between Stretford Road, Nuttal Street and Chester Road as an immediate opportunity for redevelopment. The feasibility option suggests that new build apartments (and commercial ground floor uses) and residential townhouses could be provided in this location (approximately 71 residential units).

Empress Site 3

Site 3: Source: Donald Insall Feasibility Option

Area of Opportunity & Planning Policy Context

Trafford Council see this location as a key regeneration area for the borough. As such, LSH has undertaken background research on benchmark planning permissions for residential and commercial development within the surrounding vicinity of the CARP Site. The figure below signals that there has been a strong appetite and interest for medium to high-rise residential development within proximity of the Empress CA, most notably along the key route of Chester Road through the construction of high density apartment blocks which offer modern and high-quality living and amenity spaces on the fringes of Manchester City Centre. There is a clear opportunity to provide a similar nature development at the Site which seeks to makes use of the Site’s sustainable transport links with Cornbrook tram station.

Pipeline Development

The policy context is key for sites like this. With the recently adopted Places for Everyone seeking to maximise the use of brownfield land and urban spaces, there is a clear opportunity for a high-quality development to be delivered at the Site to follow on from Trafford’s other relevant regeneration strategies such as the Civic Quarter Area Action Plan, Cornbrook Hub Regeneration Framework and the Trafford Wharfside Development Framework.

Have Your Say

Your feedback is crucial to our Soft Market Testing exercise for the Empress Conservation Area Regeneration Plan (CARP) site. We invite you to participate in a questionnaire to help us gauge interest levels, understand information needs for future bidding, and shape development strategies.

Please take a moment to complete the survey and thank you for your contributions.

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If you have any further clarifications or queries, then please get in contact with a member of our team on the details below.

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